Emotional / Bittersweet / Heartbreak

So far criminally-underrated, Brisbane singer and musician Rose Rogers returns with one of her finest singles to date, 'Headlights.' She is unpacking some serious emotional turmoil on this one and, for that reason alone, her honesty and raw vulnerability is on show and it positively glows with empowerment and understated passion, despite its heavy content.
“Did it feel good when you blocked me? Did you forget that we’re family?”
“Is it hard for you like it’s hard for me? Or do you walk around, feeling so carefree?”
“Do you ever think, that we’ll meet again, or do you feel content with how it ended?”
Sonically, for want of comparison, it begins rather bare and there's an ache in Rogers' voice, it feels a bit like Mallrat fronting an intimate Parachutes-circa Coldplay at first, with those high guitar strums punctuating like a candle flicker. From there, it's a proper slow-burn in the purest sense - a steady drum line, reverb-drenched guitars and an overall moody aesthetic - and Rogers' is given the space within to flex her remarkable register as it comes into its own. As a vocalist, she is truly the real deal and in possession of some of the finest pipes around. There are several sweet spots in her remarkable sandy register and she shows a lot of them on 'Headlights'.
"This song means a heck load to me, it's mainly about suppression and feeling out of place/on the other side. It's a bittersweet song about loss, heartbreak and (maybe one day when I learn how) acceptance."
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